FASD Resources
The Task Force depends on advocates like you to keep our directory updated.
Please contact us to submit updates and changes.
Teresa Kellerman
(520) 296-9172
The FAS Community Resource Center hosts a web site that is well known as the most comprehensive web site on FAS in the world. Resource site for articles, stories, quizzes, support groups, diagnostic information.
DES Division of Developmental Disabilities
Fetal Alcohol Resource Center
6740 S. Tucson Blvd.
Tucson, AZ 85756
(520) 638-2625
Contains a comprehensive list of Books, Videos, CDs, Newletters, Posters, Organizations and Presentations that has been recommended by the FAS Community Resource Center for Families, Providers, Community Leaders.
Teresa Kellerman and her son John offer a unique workshop experience tailored to meet your needs. Training is available on all aspects of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, including community awareness, prevention, and intervention.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Teaching and Research Awareness Campaign (FASTRAC)
High school peer education curriculum
National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (NOFAS)
Through NOFAS Information and Resources Clearinghouse you can search the state-by-state resource directory, review recent research, learn how alcohol interferes with healthy development, and contact NOFAS with your question.
NineZero Project: FASD Prevention Initiative
The Arc of Riverside, California
(888) 818-6298 ArcRiverCA@aol.com
SAMHSA FASD Center for Excellence
The mission of the FASD Center for Excellence is to facilitate the development and improvement of behavioral health prevention and treatment systems in the United States by providing national leadership and facilitating collaboration and information sharing in the field.
Robin Blitz-Wetterland, MD Margaret A. Pearson, MD
Developmental/Behavioral Pediatrician Clinical Geneticist
Children’s Neuroscience Institute Phoenix, Arizona
Phoenix Children’s Hospital (602) 277-4161
Diagnostic evaluation Services
(602) 546-0970
Policy/Eligibility Information
Section on Learning Disabilities under 502.5.2 Exemption from Eligibility revised on May 19, 2009: http://www.fasarizona.com/EligibilityCriteria2009.pdf.
Early Intervention
Arizona Early Intervention Program 1-800-392-2222.
Any child between the age of birth and three who has been exposed to alcohol is eligible for AzEIP, even if there are not any noticeable developmental delays.
Developmental Disabilities
Arizona Department of Economic Security, Division of Developmental Disabilities
(602) 542-0419
Toll Free (866) 229-5553
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Monday - Friday
(602) 243-1787
(800) 252-9054
Chapters throughout the state
Raising Special Kids is a non-profit organization serving families of children with disabilities and special health care needs in central and northern Arizona. All programs and services are provided to families free of charge.