To live in a time when all Arizonans will know and understand the emotional, physical and social costs of prenatal exposure to Alcohol and Other Drugs; where all babies have the chance to be born free of any substance abuse; where women, children and families live safely and have ready access to necessary resources; and where there is ample assistance for children already born exposed, and their caregivers, to ensure the best possible outcomes.
The Task Force on Preventing Prenatal Exposure to Alcohol and Other Drugs convened in September 2005 with the primary goal to: Identify gaps in resources, as well as solutions to issues affecting women, children and families at risk for prenatal substance abuse. The Task Force is comprised of a number of state agency and community professionals, each with a stake in reaching the identified goal.
The originating scope of work for the Task Force set out three primary outcomes to achieve:
(1) Prevent the onset and reduce the progression of alcohol and substance abuse among pregnant women and women of child-bearing age;
(2) Expand available and accessible resources in communities for pregnant women and women of child-bearing age with substance abuse issues; and
(3) Build prevention capacity and infrastructure at the State and community levels.
In late 2014 the Task Force developed a Strategic Plan to reenvision its goals and develop cross-cutting strategies to achieve them.
About us
To improve the health and wellness of Arizona families by creating and implementing data driven, evidence informed solutions to reduce prenatal exposure to alcohol and other drugs through a coordinated, effective and viable public-private state wide partnership that is both accountable and transparent.